
Saturday, January 12, 2013

attachment parenting VS tough love

A group of researchers is calling on mothers and fathers to abandon parenting methods like letting babies "cry it out," excessively structuring their children’s leisure time, and allowing strollers and car seats to do the babysitting –- all strategies that have led to worse life outcomes for American youth, they charge.

Presented recently at a symposium at the University of Notre Dame’s Center for Children and Families in the US state of Indiana, the findings run counter to commonly accepted, decades-old parenting practices which espouse a "tough love" philosophy, such as letting babies cry themselves back to sleep.

"Life outcomes for American youth are worsening, especially in comparison to 50 years ago," said Darcia Narvaez, a Notre Dame professor of psychology, in a statement.

"Ill-advised practices and beliefs have become commonplace in our culture, such as the use of infant formula, the isolation of infants in their own rooms or the belief that responding too quickly to a fussing baby will 'spoil' it.”

The indirect result of these misguided parenting methods, researchers charge, is an “epidemic” of anxiety and depression among children of all age groups, rising rates of aggressive and delinquent behavior and decreasing empathy among college students.

Instead of being held, infants spend more time in carriers, car seats and strollers, authors point out, while only 15 percent of mothers breastfeed by 12 months.

To reverse the trend, researchers advise responding to baby’s cries, an action that can positively influence the development of their conscience. “Constant touch” can also impact the way babies react to stress, impulse control and empathy development.

Contrary to tightly regimented schedules -- soccer, ballet, piano lessons, or hockey -- free and “rough-and-tumble” play can influence social capacities and aggression and help develop kids’ creativity.

Similarly, expanding kids’ adult exposure beyond mom and dad to a set of supportive caregivers like aunts, friends, teachers and relatives is also a predictor of IQ, self-confidence, and empathy, researchers say.
But not everyone agrees. Another study published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies last summer found that women who believe in intensive or attachment parenting –- a child-centered philosophy –- are more likely to suffer from negative mental health outcomes such as increased stress, depression and lower life satisfaction.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

achooo . . .

Everywhere you look, you’ll find someone sneezing, sniffling or stifling a sneeze. It’s like everyone has a cold that they’re just waiting to spread to you!
The common cold
The common cold is one of the most widespread and prevalent viral infections out there. It can affect any human being irrespective of age, sex, heredity and geographical location. Although this infection is not considered very serious, it can be a reason for severe discomfort to the individual.
The immunity levels of the person play the most vital role in how frequently an individual contracts a cold. The trouble is that this infection is caused by so many viruses that it is not possible for our body’s immune system to develop immunity against each and every type of virus.
While there is no cure for the cold, there are some precautions and home remedies that can be very helpful in symptomatic relief.

Ease that cold – home remedies

Here are some simple home remedies that’ll help ease the symptoms of the common cold:
Lemon and honey - Lemon in warm water with one teaspoon of honey can be taken three times daily. Lemon increases the body’s resistance against the cold and its vitamin C content can be useful in washing out toxic components from the body and decreasing the duration of the disease.
Go for garlicGarlic has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. Boil 4 to 5 cloves of garlic in water and ingest the mixture three to four times daily. Garlic oil also helps in opening the respiratory passage. 3 to 4 drops of garlic oil mixed with 4 to 5 drops of onion can be very helpful in flushing all the toxic materials from the body, hence lowering the fever.
Ginger to the rescue - Ginger is an excellent remedy for the common cold. Boil it with water to make a decoction, which can be taken thrice daily, along with half a teaspoon of sugar. Add ginger to your tea for a soothing a delicious beverage.

Other tips to get over your cold

The best precaution you can take to avoid getting a cold is to eat a nutritious and healthy meal that enhances your immunity. It is better to avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

Use a towel or handkerchief while sneezing or coughing to check the spread of infection to others.

Avoid taking antibiotics, as they have no role in the treatment of these viral infections. They may weaken the body’s natural immunity and kill the healthy bacteria of the body, which will create a further favorable ground for the virus to multiply, with more virulence making the condition worse.

Drink lots of water and try to rest as much as possible. It is advised that when the acute symptoms of the disease are present, like soreness of throat, running nose, fever, chills, congestion of nasal passage etc., the food eaten should be light and diluted. After the acute symptoms are gone, go back to your normal well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts, cereals, grains vegetables and fruits. Avoid fish meat, cheese, and starchy foods.

Friday, November 09, 2012

7 Habits to make you Happy

Lives of happy people can teach us great lessons such as productivity and giving to the less fortunate. All happy people have some habits in common that make them distinct and a lot happier than others. Here is a list of 7 habits of happy people which you will find in almost all of them.

1. Learn To Say Yes
Happy people have the habit of saying yes to every good thing that comes their way without fear and hesitation. These people are always found making their way towards new and interesting things. They will go out with friends, go mountaineering, participate in pillow fights, and read new books while everybody else is still planning how to spend their weekend.

2. Don’t Be Hesitant To Say Thank You
Happy people are always grateful people. They do not hesitate in practicing gratitude to acknowledge their blessings.  While other people may only resort to a thank you upon receiving a gift, happy people are thankful for every meal, every smile they get, and are thankful to you for every text you send them.

3. Do Not Bad Mouth Other People
Happy people are found to be nicer because they do not think bad thoughts or speak bad things about other people.  Doing good things for other people helps you feel a lot better always. Although, occasional gossip with close friends helps you have a good laugh, do not end up making people the butt of all your jokes resulting in them feeling bad.

4. Laugh Out Loud
Laughing is healthy. It brings you out of depressive moods. This is why it is good that you engage with people with whom you can burst out laughing at least once in a week. Happy people look at the positive sides of their live and do not take things too seriously.

5. Become a Good Listener
Happy people are also known to be good listeners. They are never judgmental about other people and do not rush to tell how they feel about you or other people. They prefer listening without developing assumptions which allows others to pour out their thoughts in an open and frank manner.

6. Have Faith
Happy people have faith in the existence of something. regardless of what religion they belong to, they have firm belief that there is a power that controls the entire seen and unseen aspects of the world whether that be God or some other force. Faith helps people develop a connection with humanity in a better way as well as allows them to remain modest.

7. Learn To Accept Flaws and Failures in Life
There is no one in the world leads a flawless life. Happy people are found to spend their lives into believing they are not perfect and should constantly thrive to make things better as well as discover new things. Even when they are striving to bring out the best, they never fail to accept failures.

Friday, October 26, 2012

something simple today ...BANANAs

Bananas are one of the most famous common fruits amongst people of every age. Enjoyed in its various forms, bananas are eaten raw, accompanied with desserts, added in smoothies and consumed in many more ways too. Let us look at the benefits of eating this fruit.

1. It helps regulate blood pressure.

Banana is a fruit that contains high amount of potassium and low levels of salt. This combination helps to regulate the blood pressure. It reduces the risk of heart related diseases.

2. It strengthens your bones.

The potassium content in bananas is good for the health of your bones. Eating bananas on a regular basis can prevent your bones from deteriorating. Consuming bananas can also neutralize the amount of sodium in your body, which ultimately saves calcium to get washed out from your body.

3. It's energizing.

Bananas are loaded with a lot of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6. Considering this fact, it is evident that eating the fruit can provide you with great energy. Pack yourself a couple of bananas to eat in the afternoon after your lunch has been digested and your stomach asks for some food.

4. It boosts bowel health.

If you are suffering from constipation, banana is the fruit you need to pick. The fruit contains dietary fiber that aids the maintenance of the bowel system of your body.

5. It reduces stress.

When you are in stress, the metabolic rate of your body shoots up and potassium levels consequently decrease. Eating a banana can thereby flush your body with potassium, which will automatically ease you and regularize your heartbeat.

6. It's brain food.

The potassium in bananas also does wonders by making you more mentally alert. Research shows that this yellow fruit aids concentration and hence is a marvelous fuel for the brain.

7. It's rich in iron.

People suffering from iron deficiency can resort to eating bananas. This fruit, which is rich in iron, can supply your body with the amount of iron it needs. This can also benefit you when you are suffering from an injury and require the blood to clot faster with the help of hemoglobin.
It is unimaginable how one tiny yellow colored fruit can give your body numerous health benefits. Include bananas in your breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner and enjoy the phenomenal benefits it imparts your body with.